Posts Tagged ‘Celebrant’
The Do's and Don'ts of Social Media Marketing
The world of social media marketing can be a difficult one to navigate. With so many different platforms available – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn – the idea of managing all of them can make your head spin! But not to worry, I’ve broken it down and come up with the essential Do’s and Don’ts of…
Read MoreHow to rock your first meeting with a potential client
Meeting potential clients can be exciting at best, and absolutely nerve-wracking at worst. Whether you’re a seasoned PR expert or a closet-introvert, these tips will no-doubt have you winning over clients left and right. Show yourself some love Before you can convince anyone else of your abilities, you’ve got to believe it yourself! Practicing positive…
Read More6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Productivity
Running your own business has its own set of unique challenges, but one of the biggest? Being productive. This is important for companies of all sizes, but especially important for small business-owners and entrepreneurs. With limited time, resources, and man-power, one’s productivity output can make or break a business. As a small business-owner myself, I’ve…
Read MoreThe Secrets to a Successful Blog
Blogging is a powerful tool that could seriously up your online marketing game and provides a slew of benefits for your business. A good blog can boost your SEO results and bring more people in contact with your brand. You can develop a stronger relationship with your audience and potential customers. You can even set…
Read MoreHow to conquer business-owner burnout
Hi. My name is Jennifer, and I’ve suffered from burnout. Hi Jennifer. Phew. Now we’ve got that out of the way, I want to tell you a little story. When I first decided to leave my 9-5 job to start my own business, I was ecstatic. For years I sat behind a…
Read MoreHow to deal with unhappy clients
In a perfect world, one where food didn’t have calories and jury duty was but an ancient tradition long-since abolished due to human rights violations, unhappy customers simply wouldn’t exist. Unfortunately for us, food does have calories, jury duty still makes us want to pull our hair out, and unhappy customers do exist. …
Read MoreHow to get more bookings without paid advertising
As a Celebrant, getting your business out there for the world to see is key. That means each one of you, whether you realise it or not, is not only a Celebrant, but a marketeer! Being someone who’s worked as a marketer for big companies and also launched 4 of my own businesses, I…
Read MoreHow to welcome change to benefit your business
Running your own business is tough. You’ve spent hours researching the industry, studying buyer personas, setting up a website, and answering client requests. But now that everything’s up and running on it’s own, you can finally take a step back and relax, right? Wrong! One of the biggest threats to business success…
Read MoreHow to keep a healthy work-life balance
Work life balance is something anyone can find difficult to manage, but us business owners are in a category of our own when it comes to this. We know the struggle is real. I’m the first to admit this is something I struggled with big-time in my early days as a Celebrant business owner.…
Read MoreHow to follow up (without being pushy!)
The dreaded follow-up. You know it. You hate it. But you also gotta do it. Whether you’re a sales guru or not, it’s hard to think of a task that’s more universally dreaded. The line between a friendly and irritating can be a thin one, and a dangerous one to cross when running…
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